On April 18th 2016 Mr. Okonkwo Afamefuna wrote the following
on his Facebook wall.
"I decided to read a copy of the National Grazing Reserve Bill and
I was surprised at what I saw. The Bill creates a council to be chaired by a
Chairman to be appointed by the president. The council shall have the power to take
your land anywhere the land is located in the country and then pay you
Your land, when taken, shall be assigned to herdsmen who shall use your
land for grazing purposes. They shall bring cows to the land and you shall lose
the land permanently to those Fulani cattlemen". My conclusion? This
is the Sudan downloading right here in Nigeria.
On April 18th 2016 Mr. Duru Collins wrote the following on his
facebook wall.
"This National Grazing Bill if passed into law will just mark the
beginning of apartheid in our country. When the government of Zimbabwe
collected land from the white people who naturalised there the whole world
worked against President Robert Mugabe. Sanctions were stiffened against his
regime even though the whites in Zimbabwe were not African by origin. In our
country today there are people that are not Nigerians by origin and these
people are making laws to take over our inheritance. This nation will burn once
this law is passed". My conclusion? This is Lebanon and Zimbabwe
downloading right here in Nigeria.
Kindly forgive the repetition of some earlier words at the beginning of
his contribution but on April 18th Mr. Gabriel Ogbonnaya wrote the following on
his Facebook wall.
"I decided to read a copy of the National Grazing Reserve Bill and
I was surprised at what I saw. The Bill creates a commission to be chaired by a
Chairman to be appointed by the president, to be confirmed by the senate. The
commission shall have the power to take your land anywhere the land
is located in the country and then pay you compensation. Your land, when taken,
shall be assigned to herdsmen who shall use your land for grazing purposes.
They shall bring cows to the land and you shall lose the land permanently to
those cattlemen. If you feel that the commission was not right to
take your land, you can go to court but before you go to court, you must first
of all notify the federal attorney general of your intention to sue the
commission. Apart from notifying, you must get the consent and authority of the
Federal Attorney General before you can sue. So that means that if the Attorney
General refuses to give his consent to the suit, you have lost your land
forever to the herdsmen. And this law, when passed, shall apply to the whole
country so it means that your land in the village or anywhere is not
safe. The National Grazing Reserve Commission would have the power to take away
your land from you anytime they want and pay you whatever they want as
compensation (even when you don't want to sell, and remember that for you to
get compensation, you must have documents showing or proving ownership). So I
think that we all in the South West, South South and South East must rise up
and reject this Bill. We must do all things to force our national Assembly
members from passing that bill into law. That bill is a deliberate attempt to
take our lands and hand the land over to the Fulani cattlemen since it is only
the Fulanis that rear cattle in Nigeria. That law, when passed, shall fulfill
the directive of Uthman Dan Fodio and other northern leaders to take over other
parts of Nigeria. I implore you to use all available means to implore your
senator and Rep not to pass that law. That law will destroy Nigeria. All over
the world, ranches are established and used to rear cattle. The farmers buy
land and put there cattle there. There is no country where the land of the
citizens are compulsorily acquired and given to others.
This is evil, and designed to favor the Fulanis where the President
comes from. We must resist the passage of that bill into law to save Nigeria,
and to protect our future generations". My conclusion? This is Yugoslavia
and Rwanda unfolding right here in Nigeria.
Finally in an article titled ''The Outlaws Of Islam'' (Premium Times,
April 15th 2016), I wrote the following,
"And if they are still in any doubt about where all this is
heading in the Nigerian context they should consider the following. On December
30th 1964, Mallam Bala Garba told the West African Pilot newspaper that:
''the conquest to the sea is now in sight. When our god-sent Ahmadu
Bello said some years ago that our conquest will reach the sea shores of
Nigeria, some idiots in the South were doubting its possibilities. Today have
we not reached the sea? Lagos is reached. It remains Port-Harcourt. It must be
conquered and taken''.
This is an eloquent expression of radical Islam, with its pervasive use
of violence as a tool of conquest and subjugation, in its purest and most
obvious form.
Inspired and equipped with this Janjaweed philosophy and ethos, the
whole of core northern Nigeria was conquered by Sheik Usman Dan Fodio through
the use of terror and by the power of the sword in the name of jihad. Millions
of innocent non-Muslims were cut to pieces in the process.
Given the activities of Boko Haram and the Fulani herdsmen in our
country today it appears that some in our shores are still interested in
implementing that satanic agenda.
They wish to continue where Usman Dan Fodio stopped and they wish to
''dip the Koran in the Atlantic ocean''.
Their latest attempt is the introduction and proposal of what is known
as the National Grazing Reserve Bill which will give the Fulani herdsmen the
right to claim other peoples land all over the country and which will empower
them by law to create their own settlements and communities in the territory of
Worse still under that law the government will be compelled to fund
those settlements and put all that they need in terms of infrastructure in
place for them. That is why our Minister of Agriculture is now talking about
importing Brazilian grass for the Fulani herdsmen and their cattle.
This subtle and exceptionally brilliant attempt to infiltrate and
conquer by guile and assimilation reminds me of the frightful laws that were
put in place in the old wild western prairies of 19th century America.
Those laws gave the white settlers rights over the lands of the
indigenous Red Indians and saw the Indians themselves subjected to genocide and
ethnic cleansing and herded into barren reservations that were not fit for
human habitation.
It was in this way that the "wild west" was conquered and the
once proud and noble war-like Indian tribes of the western prairies were
subjugated and subdued.
Sadly our legislators in the National Assembly from the south and the
Middle simply do not appreciate and cannot comprehend the serious implications
of what they are doing by supporting this evil legislation and neither will the
consequences of their naivety and folly be suffered by their constituents until
it is far too late.
If that law is ever passed and implemented, two years from that time we
will regret it deeply as a nation because it will result in nothing but
conflict, chaos and strife between the Fulani herdsmen and settlers on the one
hand and the local indigenous population on the other.
The tragedy that unfolded in Jos, Plateau state between the indigenous
Christian Beroms and the settler Muslim Fulani for many years is a graphic
example of what will be replicated all over the south and the Middle Belt
between the Fulani and the various local indigenous populations if that law is
ever passed and implemented.
As a matter of fact it will be far worse than anything that Jos ever
saw. The Cattle Grazing Act will not result in enhancing unity and peace but
instead it will result in division, bloodshed, carnage and chaos". My
conclusion? This is Iraq, Syria and Libya unfolding right here in Nigeria.
When you create a conflict which has its roots in religion, ethnicity,
land rights, the attempt to marginalize, dominate, subjugate and conquer others
and the quest for liberation and freedom from slavery and bondage all mixed
into one you are toying with a conflagration that will not only be horrendous
and that will not only affect the whole of Africa but will not end in the next
fifty years to one hundred years.
Let me be clear: the greatest evil that we are confronted with in
Nigeria today is the National Grazing Reserve Bill. It is more evil than
anything that we have ever seen before. It is more insidious and dangerous than
anything that we can possibly imagine.
It will do more harm to us than Boko Haram and the Nigerian civil war
put together and it will result in open war and the total
disintegration of Nigeria. I am speaking prophetically and I am saying this
under the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. We must stop this
cantankerous and divisive Bill from seeing the light of the day and being made
into law. There are some things that are bigger, greater and more important
than partisan politics and this is one of them.
We must all stand together regardless of our political affiliation and
stop this evil Trojan horse from being smuggled into our ranks by those that
seek to subjugate and conquer us. We must resist those that seek to strip us of
our self-respect, self-worth, liberty and dignity.
We must stand up against those that seek to destroy us and rob us of our
faith and our ancestral lands. We must say ‘’never’’ to those that seek
to belittle and enslave us and reduce us to nothing even in our own
May God help our people and our country and may He deliver us from evil.
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